Which simulation solver is best-in-class? (Spoiler alert: It's SATK)
This detailed technical white paper benchmarks three solvers on performance and accuracy, based on a spacecraft model. Download the paper to see how the results compare for:
- Acceleration
- Stress tensor components (CQUAD4, TET10, PCOMP)
- Von Mises stress (CQUAD4, TET10)
- Force (CELAS2, CBUSH)

How do they stack up?
How does Simcenter 3D Response Dynamics Random Base Excitation (using SATK) perform compared to Simcenter Nastran SOL 111 random subcase and the Response Dynamics heritage Random Event? Download the paper to find out.
Discover which modern simulation software makes it possible to:
- Solve very large models that previously would not have been considered for a random analysis.
- Reduce or eliminate time-consuming FEM simplification and abstraction efforts, saving manpower and reducing calendar time.
- Achieve unprecedented efficiency through intuitive workflows and an advanced integration approach.
- Obtain more accurate results for derived quantities, including quantities other solvers don't support.
- Dramatically reduce computation time.